
letters from barcelona (#4)

hello our precious hijos (that's children in spanish)

right now, daddy and mommy are laying in bed. there is a man in the next room snoring so loud it sounds like thunder! it is raining cats and dogs outside and the wind is howling! this morning daddy walked outside and it snowed on him a little bit. and we are right by the beach! can you believe it? it snows on the beach?

today daddy had to get up really early and go to work ALL DAY LONG... mommy missed him. mommy woke up and went downstairs to the gym and ran on the treadmill. it didn't work very well, and she was the only person in there, but it was fun and it reminded her of our treadmill back home!

after mommy got ready she met a lady whose husband works with daddy. we went to lunch mommy let her order (that was a mistake). it was DISGUSTING! we had salad with raw fish and long slimy anchovies on it and black rice with octopus (the rice is black because of the ink from squids... ask nanni to explain that to you!) ew, ew, ew!!! and do you want to know the worst part? they don't have diet coke here! mommy has to drink a LOT of water instead. they have something called "coke light" but, it is too sweet. daddy didn't have any lunch, instead he had a couple of kit-kat bars... silly daddy!

then, mommy and claudia (the lady's name) went shopping. if you think mommy likes to shop, you should meet claudia, she wanted to go to every store and buy everything in them!! mommy was glad to have someone to hang out with.

daddy worked in a booth all day showing his computer and phone to people. he said it was booooring!

then tonight mommy went to daddy's work to see him. we gave each other a BIG hug! we were glad to see each other! after work was over 10:30 at night we wanted some real American food so we went to Hard Rock Cafe. mommy ordered chicken fingers and fries and a chocolate shake! Daddy had a ham burger because he is a BIG HAM. WE WERE SOOO HAPPY! no weird food tonight! we were so tired after dinner, and it was after midnight, so we took a taxi back to the hotel to go to BED!

today we missed you the most. mommy was lonely and everytime she saw a baby or child she wished it was grace, faith and hank. she showed pictures of you to claudia and told her that you were the 3 best, most beautiful and special children in the whole wide world!

your long weekend is over now and you get to be with nanni, papa larry & katie & sophes! yeah!! you are going to have so much fun. i hope you all know how much you are loved and missed.

we love you up to the moon, the stars & the sun.... and back. YOU ARE MY SUNSHINES!!!!

mama and daddy
p.s. good night my angels
p.s.s. dont forget to say your prayers.