
last of the... letters from barcelona (#9)

Dear Grace, Faith & Hank...

Gas up the plane, we are headed home!

This morning we saw what turned out to be mommy's favorite thing in all of Barcelona, the Palau de la Musica Catalana. The architect was the same as the hospital & the tilework & stained glass were absolutely breathtaking. The hall is over 100 years old and is used daily even today. It honors the great musicians (Bach, Palestrina, Beethoven, Wagner) with sculptures. There is a giant glass dome in the middle of the hall which is jokingly referred to as the "glow-worm" & it was designed to reflect rainbows of light for daytime concerts.

As usual we ate and ate and ate until our tummys were way too full. We found a delicious little chocolate shop and we pick up some yummygoodies, which we enjoyed as an appetizer to our appetizer at UDON. It's a noodle shop that we actually ate at three times mainly because it was normal, clean and fresh... but as mom kept saying, it's no Wagamama's (her fave noodle shop in England!)

The afternoon & sunshine found us at Barcelona's own L'arc de triomf & at the ginormous L' estatua del monument a En Cristofor Colom (Columbus!) it is a sight to see! (Oh & daddy joined in a march for farmer's rights).

Tonight we went off on a new restaurant search, only to find that it had closed down. In our severely broken Spanish, we asked the cab driver to find a restuarant for us. After a few rejections of his suggestions we agreed upon a little restuarant that the driver said was "beautiful and have little cow". It turned out to be really good, one of the best steaks we have both ever had....we must have been there for three almost four hours. Mommy kept trying to steal daddy's dessert, because she liked his ice creambetter than hers. :) It was a fun night and we truly laughed a lot!

We're going to bed. It's late and we have to be atthe airport early.Can't wait to see you and to eat American food. Cheesecake Factory never sounded so good! :) We love you. Love you more. Love you more than anything.

Mom and Dad