cinnamon rolls, vegan sausage & fresh peaches started off our early & exciting morning! the girls were ecstatic to meet their new teachers & see all their friends! i was sad to see them go, but happy that they have adjusted so well to all the changes life has thrown at them during their little lifetimes. michael took them to campus & hank stayed with me for a bit & colored before his first big day! when it was finally his turn, he was thrilled to be back in his routine of preschool with miss dianne.
when i went to pick them up, they were so hot that their little faces were bright red & their hair was plastered against their heads after walking up "the stairs"; faith was especially ticked off because her shoes hurt her (she gets that from me). hank came home completely worn out & crashed in the car only to wake up sweaty with a head & tummy ache. a quick trip to rite aid for children's tylenol & after school activities started again in full force with a soccer banner order, last minute shoe shopping & 2 hours of dance. i am grateful this year for my new car, better gas mileage, dvd players & tinted windows!
despite the heat, the bomb threat at sc high school (that made me decide my kids are never leaving elementary school) & the fact that 95 degrees & me at 36 weeks don't really agree the first day was a success! we celebrated at ball park with pizza, $15 worth of games & 3 pitchers of water!
i love these babies... & thank heavenly father every day for the privilege of being their mother.