i found this fun little site: photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com although, i doubt anyone would call this photoshopped picture of jessica alba disastrous... unless they have a daughter, a sister, a wife &/or a mother.
142. i have been feeling yucky lately with the flu. yesterday at the store i picked up some ginger snaps & they tasted divine. hank & i shared them for breakfast this morning. i could live on cookies.
& hit the infamous shake shack in madison square park. the line was so long that we had a frozen custard while we waited! &, don't miss the shackburger & cheese fries, seriously.
the tippy-top-top of the empire state building!
the 102nd floor observatory is small & a tad scary, but worth the extra dough!
serendipity's frozen hot chocolate was divine. i am craving it right now!
we did a boat tour...
& i saw her for the first time!
allison told us not to miss the chelsea market (thank you) it was the highlight of the trip!!!
michael frequented this hot dog joint when he was a broke intern!
more food.... these are our leftovers from carmine's, ridiculous!
my favorite pose of michael's
before we left for the airport, we tried one more place, & if you love all things peanut butter like i do, it's a fun little lunch! (thanks for the tip sachia!)
grand central
i like my diet coke, michael likes his root beer
did you see i am legend? this was will smith's character's apartment. michael was stoked!